I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Psalms 139:14
The past few weeks, we’ve been looking at how we’ve inherited our sin from Adam and are in need of Jesus Christ and His free gift. However, we must not forget how we were designed. The Lord made you perfectly with a plan and a purpose and will bring it to fruition as you give your life to Him!
Psalm 139 is an amazing psalm because it displays how great God is and how small but beautiful we are. As we studied in January, God is eternal, yet He still cares for us. He made every little detail, and His desire is to know us personally! Do you ever question why your eye color is what it is or why you have a certain personality trait or why you are a guy or girl? All these details are fine-tuned by God and cannot be changed, and they are marvelous! The Lord will use these details in some way for His glory and in a way that you may not even realize yet and may not realize until you see Jesus face to face! Let me give you an example. I am an emotional person; my emotions have much influence in how I think and act, especially when it comes to intimacy with friends but also with responding to the slightest irritations. My emotional personality has been a struggle to deal with as an eighteen-year-old young man, but I know that God will use that for His glory as He helps me learn to control my emotions. Likewise, God will use your personality and features for His purpose if you surrender your life to Him!
So as we finish the school year, put aside all confusion about who you think you are and look at who God says you are! You are His beloved creation, and if you are a Christian, you are also His child. Don’t try to change who you are but find satisfaction in that God created you just as He wanted and that as you grow in your faith, He will make His perfect design closer to His intention and less like Adam’s rebellion! God loves you and made you His marvelous work! Rather than wish you were something else, praise God that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Jeremiah Yonemura
