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Grace Reigns in Life Through Jesus

Writer: Jeremiah YonemuraJeremiah Yonemura
(For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law… Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:13,20-21

If something is legal, does that make it right to do? Take drinking for example. Is getting drunk legal? Yes, but is it moral? No! It’s the same with sin. Before the Law, sin was immoral, but it wasn’t counted as sin because no law prevented it. Nevertheless, God allowed us to see our sin so that in Jesus we could escape from death.

To give some background, Adam ate the forbidden fruit and sinned, directly disobeying God. However, it was not until 2,500 years later that God gave Moses the Law so that it was clear what was sinful. Breaking the moral laws in the Torah was sinful during that time, but unlike Adam, people didn’t directly disobey God’s commandments because He hadn’t given them. Why did people still die? Our sinful nature, inherited from Adam, damned us. Therefore, God gave the Law so that we could know the difference between right and wrong, exposing our sin and counting it against us, displaying our wickedness and need for Him. Our sin gave us death and ruled over us, but we couldn’t see that because we had no written standard. After having that standard, God came into the picture as Jesus and freed us so that as sin brought death upon us, Jesus’ death and resurrection brought grace and eternal life upon us. For the first time in history, we could know God the Father without the complex rituals of the Law and find His life, His joy, and His peace through direct access to His presence!

As we conclude this Romans 5 series, notice the themes. You are sinful and can save yourself neither from the wickedness of Adam nor of yourself. Nonetheless, while you couldn’t discern your sin, God revealed His Word to humanity so that you could confess your iniquity, repent, and receive God’s forgiveness and life, now able to glorify and enjoy Him forever! If you do this, you will receive this life and become a child of God!COMMITTING TO GOD’S GRACE AND LOVE,

Jeremiah Yonemura


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