Blog Book 2018
Testimonies, Devotions, and
How was 2018? For me, a lot went on. I learned quite a bit, but I also had much fun. 2018
wasn’t just another year. Throughout 2018, I have seen the theme of Reliance on God show itself
through different events including the blog. 2018 is now over, and we can only thank God for
what He as done and learn from our mistakes.
What happened in 2018? Think about it. For the three of us, we share our testimonies of
2018. As a result, we set out to spread of the love of Christ to all around us. In the 2018 blog
book, you can see our struggles and our encouragements. It is my prayer that these 2018
devotions/blog posts will encourage you and inspire you to follow Christ with all your heart.
The Blog Book 2018 is a book in which people can be encouraged in various different
circumstances with truth from the Word of God. Maybe your friend hurt you, and you need to
forgive that person. Maybe you are having trouble dealing with sin in your life. Maybe you are
simply just having a bad day. We’ve got that covered. No matter with what you are dealing, you
can read these posts. Perhaps God will use this book to change your life. This book includes
testimonies and blog posts of 2018 that have truly touched people’s lives, and you could be next!
About the Authors

About me… right. I’m Janelle. Writing has always been one of my hobbies, however if I’m honest, I was slightly nervous when Jeremiah asked if I could write for his blog. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to put myself out there, and I didn’t know if people would even like my writing. But I realized that uplifting potential readers meant more to me than any insecurities I had. If something I write could possibly encourage just one person in his walk with Christ, it’s worth it to me. I’ve experienced the healing and grace Jesus gives, and I hope that anyone reading my posts can be rest assured that He loves them and will carry them through any darkness.
Taking it one day at a time,

Hello, I'm Jeremiah. I love the Lord, and I want to see people succeeding and encouraged in life. I got saved at the age of twelve in the summer of 2015. As a result, God has greatly moved in my life, and I have grown much. In the summer of 2017, I created this website and the blog so that I could share an encouraging word as well as my different works with others. My love for writing and for God has brought my blog to a place I did not quite expect it to go, and I am pleased to present it.
I started writing my blog a few days after this website was created, and I have been posting since. I hope to keep sharing what the Lord puts on my heart to share with you as time goes on.
Jeremiah Yonemura
"I don’t know about you, but being a part in God’s plan to save a soul simply by sharing my story seems worth it."

Support Praise Chapel
Praise Chapel is devoted to winning souls for the Lord, Building them up, and Sending them out to spead God's Word. If this book brings a profit, 10% will be donated to Praise Chapel Concord.

Support The Mission
Two years ago, I went to Rancho de Sus Niños and served there by doing a variety of work from on-site construction to playing with children to helping the local community. Now I would like to support them through the earnings of the Blog Book 2018. 45% of the profit will go to The Mission.

Support Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization dedicated to feeding the hungry and responding to those in need because of disasters. 45% of the profit will go to Convoy of Hope.

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