It’s going to be okay.
How many times does that subtle voice break through the worries of our flesh? Is it just me, or is it really hard to believe any good can come out of a stressful schedule, or a stupid mistake like a fender-bender, or whatever conflict you cannot seem to get away from? My flesh grows weak and my knees wobble under the weight of this world and all its troubles, and that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit seems inaudible through the thickness of my humanity.
Nevertheless, I manage to find solace in the course of my journey on this earth. Though the battle between my soul and my flesh rages, if I press forward, taking disciplined steps towards deeper communion and connection with my Savior, I can find refuge.
II Corinthians 4:16-18 has brought me immense comfort over the past year. This passage assures believers of the temporary nature of our afflictions, directing our gaze toward “a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (II Corinthians 4:17 NKJV). That is a concept I strongly doubt my pessimistic flesh could have conjured up, let alone believe. But that is okay, because contrary to what society tells us, any and all comfort we find does not come from ourselves. The only true source of joy invincible, peace unthinkable, and love eternal is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit He has given us. By training ourselves to pursue a relationship with Him, we can glue our gaze to the hope of eternity, never losing sight of the wonders of our God. As this world competes for our attention with its pleasures as well as its worries, if we discipline ourselves to read a little bit of Scripture each day, and talk to God more, even if its just in between classes, it can keep that candle burning with hope from being blown out. If you are not used to reading your Bible and praying outside of church, then it might be hard at first. I know it was for me! But after awhile it becomes less of a ‘chore’, and more of a desired necessity for the health of your soul.
Remember: it’s going to be okay. Even when the world, the enemy, or even your own mind screams from the pain of life, never forget that you can find comfort in the One Who left all His comforts to save your soul. Unlike the world, we have a steadfast, reliable God who is Love, and, in the words of the apostle Paul, “therefore, we do not lose heart” (II Corinthians 4:16).
Taking it one day at a time,