"A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way." - Unknown
As you may know today is Father's Day. This day was meant for us to celebrate how much our fathers do for us and how incredibly great they are. Although this day is usually meant for us to celebrate our earthly fathers, we can't forget about our Heavenly Father. He does so much for us whether it is good or bad. We can rely on Him in our good and bad situations and He will always be there.
God knew we would be conceived long before He created the Earth. We are His children and He is our father. As a gift, He gave us earthly fathers to look after us but He still looks after us. A father would never want to lose one of his children or for anything bad to happen to his child just like how God would never want anything bad to happen to one of His children. God is the shepherd and if one sheep gets lost, He would leave the others and find the lost one.
As we celebrate our earthly fathers today, let us not forget about the real Father who watches over us daily, protects us from harm and loves us so much. Let's celebrate God the Father everyday rather than on one Sunday in June.
Staying Positive,
Tania Griffin