Ever taken a selfie before? I don’t know about you, but somehow taking a simple picture can turn into a stressful dilema for no good reason at all. Sometimes I stop and laugh at myself; what am I doing? Worrying about what angle or filter looks best?! This is insane! It’s so sad how unconsciously vain this generation is. Whether it’s pride in how great we look or the toxic self deprecation produced in us just because we don’t look like that selfie we saw on social media, some of us can get overly worked up about how we look.
Okay, I’ll admit it; 99% of the time, this refers to girls, but I would dare to say that the concept is relatable for everyone. Some people definitely struggle with self-confidence more than others, but there is so much pressure on our generation. Deep down, we all want to be accepted somewhere; it’s who we are as humans. Every single soul has a gaping hole that can only be filled with love and acceptance. The bigger problem is who or what we seek it from. Do we feel loved when we get a certain number of likes on a selfie? When we get congratulated for a perfect test score or scoring the winning goal for our team? When we get into the ‘popular crowd’ or find a fanbase that we can identify with? There are practically a million different people and places we can feel accepted by, but at the end of the day, it’s only providing us with a false sense of love. That doesn’t mean you can’t post selfies or play sports or connect with a [healthy] fanbase, but if that becomes your sole identity, the acceptance you receive will prove to be mediocre and short lived. In all reality, the only thing that can truly satisfy the void inside us is…
(I do this like EVERY blog post haha… but you guessed it!)
Jesus! He’s the One Who created us, and He’s the only One who can wholly complete fallen humanity. So please, don’t spend an hour retaking your selfie; believe it or not you are beautiful/handsome (no, boys, I didn’t forget about you), and you don’t need a filter to prove it. Also, please don’t tweak your identity to the point that you don’t even know who you are just to fit into a certain crowd. Yes, we are broken people, but you are also God’s masterpiece. Rest in Christ, and never forsake the unique way He created your looks and personality; the way He created you!
Taking it one day at a time,