Jingle bells. Gingerbread houses. Decorative lights. Snowmen and snow angels. Presents under an ornate tree. A most classic music genre we all can love. What does this all mean?!
That's right. The merry, holly-jolly, most-wonderful-time-of-the-year holiday is back again.

Now, you're probably familiar with this saying; something along the lines of the 'reason for the season'? For example, the idea that it's not about an old, jolly man with a white beard who stalks children, judges their character, and brings them presents. It's not about circling up around a decorated evergreen tree and exchanging gifts. It's not even about some magical, warm, fuzzy feeling you get while singing Christmas carols (or watching cheesy Hallmark movies) with family and friends. It's way more than that. It's about... (even if you're not sure, you can shout out the most generic Sunday school answer and get this one right)... Jesus!!! Christmas is the celebration of the hugest and most undeserved blessing humanity could ever imagine having bestowed upon them: the holy birth of Jesus Christ. Somehow, in a matter of 2,000 years, the name Jesus has become one of the less popular motifs associated with this season by the world. Although, we must never forget: Our beloved Savior is the only reason for the season.
That is certainly true, don't get me wrong... but we've all heard that before, haven't we? We understand that there's more to Christmas than the secular additions and alterations; that we should focus on the gift Jesus is, rather than guessing the gifts under the Christmas tree. But even if we can manage to achieve that spiritual state, there's still this thing that can weigh us down: life. I know, I know, that sounds really morbid; just hear me out.
By 'life,' I mean the daily external situations we endure. More specifically, the ones that are far from pleasant. During the Christmas season, (a.k.a. the moment Thanksgiving ends), we enjoy hot chocolate, classic Christmas music, a long break from school (thank you Jesus!!), quality time with our friends and family, a renewed hope for peace on earth and good will to men... All summed up in two words: the 'Christmas Spirit.'
But the difficulties of life don't magically pause for the month of December so you can enjoy the spirit of Christmas. For example, how do you maintain a joyful Christmas Spirit when you get entangled into an argument with your group of friends? Or you're weighed down by chaotic family situations? Or you're cramming for finals before/during the break? Or you're stressed out due to a huge transition taking place in your life? Or you're sagging under the weight of depression, anxiety, or another negative emotional attack? There is an endless variety of things in life that could turn out wrong, even during the wondrous Christmas season. Consequently, we can easily be bombarded with obstacles and trials that numb us from the Christmas Spirit.
Don't lose hope! Whatever you're dealing with: whether it's academics, relationships, or inward struggles, it doesn't have to weigh you down! Trust me, I know that is a lot harder than it sounds. And if I'm being honest, there's never a perfect method to resolve every conflict you'll experience. Although, there is one thing we can hold onto, no matter who we are or what we go through.
(Yup. I'm doing it again. Most generic Sunday school answer ever...) Jesus!
Seriously though, we can have full confidence that He will scoop us up and keep us warm, despite the cold darkness that tries to cling to us. In Him, we can rest in His everlasting peace, gaining a renewed Christmas Spirit.
About this Christmas Spirit... while it does entail all the enjoyable things I previously listed, there is a deeper and more substantial element to it that will remain, outlasting the lesser elements... that is, the 'reason for the season.' We have Jesus 24/7, but we've set aside a short, joy-filled season to celebrate His coming to Earth, which marked the beginning of his journey to redeem His children. No matter what heavy weight is attempting to bog us down, we can cling to the hope and assurance of Jesus Christ, finding incomprehensible joy that propels us to enjoy the Christmas season.
Having said all of that, I want to acknowledge again how hard this is. I totally understand, and to be quite honest, I haven't mastered this focusing-on-Jesus-over-circumstances thing. But... I'm learning. And each Christmas, I find myself more at ease with the crazy conditions of life... and that's only because I let Jesus carry me through and accept the joy and peace He promises to all His children.
So... I hope this encourages you, dear reader. After all, you are Jesus' Beloved. And hey, no matter what happens this Christmas season, you have every right to rest in that and discover a renewed and more sustaining Christmas Spirit.
Taking it one day at a time,