Words are incredible. I love words. They hold so much power and can have such meaning if you use them right. Politicians have won offices with their smooth-talking. Wounds can be created and healed. Experiences can be described so beautifully. Eloquent speech is incredible.
Do you ever have moments where you just cannot seem to find the words to describe how you feel? Or am I just totally weird like that? Sometimes I’m so happy that I can’t begin to explain it. Sometimes I’m so mad and there is no way I can communicate it properly. Or when I’m looking out at a stunning view from the top of a mountain, I’m speechless (but maybe that’s just because I’m also breathless). I hope that this year, there is something or someone that you are so thankful for that you simply cannot put your feelings into words. Maybe there’s someone that you want to tell them you’re thankful for, but you think that your words could never sum it all up quite right. I encourage you to say it anyways.
If you can’t think of anyone like that, I’ve got an idea for you. Do you thank God? I do - or at least, I try to as often as I can. He certainly deserves it. Ask yourself these questions: How many times has He sustained me when things weren’t going well? How many times has He rewarded me or told me He loves me even when I felt like I didn’t deserve it? We should be thanking Him for everything because He truly is a good God.
As we enter this holiday season, I hope you can see past the glamor and lights, the turkeys and presents, the tinsel and everything else. While we should be thankful for that too, I hope that each of you can find something bigger to be thankful for - something or someone that renders you speechless. Sometimes, it’s good to be speechless, and I hope we can realize that as we find something bigger to be thankful for this season.
Trusting God’s faithfulness,
Rebecca Reenders