About one month ago, a young man who was hurting in his heart pulled out the gun on the school at which he had been expelled for killing seventeen innocent lives and injuring several others. What could people have done to stop this tragedy, or was it even possible to have been avoided? In truth, if this young man had accountability and a godly figure in his life who led him to the Lord, this probably would not have happened. However, this event is in the past, and the damage is done, but how can we see that healing is brought to our nation and help avoid these shootings from happening?
In essence, on your own, you can't change anything positively; it's impossible. However, this is where the theme for this year comes into play. As believers, we must stand up in the name of the Lord against these demonic movements of witchcraft and evil in this world. How can we rely on the Lord to prevent shootings from happening?
First of all, we must pray against these shootings and rebuke the demonic forces behind the every ungodly act of violence. Prayer is our way of interceding for those events by speaking directly with God.
Secondly, we need to read the Word and see what it stores for us. When we read the Word, we see how to act and be holy unto the Lord. We can see how to disciple others and love them with the love given to us from the Father. In order to live a pure, holy, and loving life, one must read the Word of God.
While doing the points listed above, we must act in accordance to God's Word. What breaks down the hearts of others is hatred, mockery, and simply just making crude jokes of those around us. We must watch ourselves that our words are kind and loving to all, whether the person is there or not — no gossip, slander, inappropriate jokes, or the like. While avoiding evil behavior is quite helpful, it is simply not enough to avoid shootings. The next step is to purposefully encourage others. For example, you could write an appreciation letter to someone or simply just earnestly say, "Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." What better words can you give to the hapless soul other than that he is loved and has purpose here on this earth!
Everything that I have mentioned sounds nice and all, but how does this really help with the recent crisis of our nation? Well, the reason that people end up shooting places like schools is not because of a dream as a childhood career but rather because of pain, suffering, hate, and loneliness given to them from this dark world. When we show others how God has filled our lives with His love and given us hope, others can realize that they too have hope. As a result, we can lead others to the Lord and make disciples. Once one starts relying on God, his life will be filled with joy of the Lord which is the strength of the believers.
This year and onward, I encourage all of us to grow in our prayer lives and pray for revival in the United States and the rest of the world. Let's give out words of blessing to those who need it so that we don't withhold any good from others. Normally, I don't really assign homework, and I won't assign homework in this blog. However, I do suggest that you write a letter of encouragement and appreciation to someone. Sending an email or letter or even just a few words of encouragement can affect one's day and quite possibly, his whole life. So, I strongly suggest that you write a letter or email to someone telling or reminding him that Jesus loves him. Be sure to make it sincere and meaningful. Afterwards, don't stop encouraging people to live pure, holy, and in the love of Jesus Christ. Keep going!
Enjoy your Thursday, and God bless you!
Jeremiah Yonemura
*Much of this blog is based off a speech presented by my kind and loving friend Johann Malasig.