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Testimony: The Power of Prayer about a Broken Arm

Writer: Jeremiah YonemuraJeremiah Yonemura

First, I would like to start off this blog post by thanking you all who have prayed for me and given me all your encouragement! I really appreciate it. I would also like to wish my wonderful friend Savannah a happy birthday! As you might have heard, a couple weeks ago, I tripped and fell while foolishly "fast-walking" resulting in a hairline fracture on my elbow. The night that the incident happened, I went to the doctor, and it turned that I would need to have a cast for four to six weeks after having a splint for ten days (it got gross too). I wasn't going to be able to play the clarinet for over one month! What was I going to do? Well, the first week passed somewhat quickly, but on Friday, I went to get my arm checked. As a result, this doctor explained that it would do more harm than good to cast my arm for several weeks due to the immobilization of it. Rather, the doctor told me that I would need to use a sling and work on extending my arm so that it wouldn't freeze (not because of temperature but because of the lack of motion). In addition to this, I received a removable splint so that I could put it on for further protection when it seemed necessary. Probably one of the most exciting points of the different type of treatment was that I could resume playing the clarinet. When I decided to play the next day, I knew most of the songs quite well, and I was able to play that day at the crab feed. The day that I fractured my elbow I said that I would probably be able to play the clarinet at the crab feed, and God worked it out so that I could do so. Another exciting point of the night was that I could type normally without having to figure out some sort of one handed typing scheme (none of which worked as well typing two handed). I am happy that I can quickly write the first blog in over a month with my two hands. On various different occasions, various different believers in the faith have offered to pray for and/or with me about my broken elbow. Two specific instances I would like to mention would be when Brother Je. and Brother Jo. prayed over me. The first Sunday with my injury, Brother Je. offered to lay his hand on me and pray that I would be healed. As I came to the appointment that same week, it turned out that I wouldn't need a cast after all. Two days ago, I explained to Brother Jo. about my injury, and he also laid his hand on me and prayed for healing of my arm. After we finished praying, I could almost fully extend my arm in addition to what I could do before. Afterwards, we prayed again for God to heal the tightness, and I could feel difference. While my arm did not completely heal right on the spot, God furthered my arm in the healing process quite a bit. I owe everything that has happened in this event to my Friend and Lord Jesus Christ, Who is all powerful. When I relied on Him, He sped up the healing process and brought me to a doctor that knew that I would not need to have my arm put into a cast. As a result, He also supernaturally blessed me to play at the auction a few days ago. When I relied on the Lord, He blessed me. Today, I encourage you rely on God through every tough situation. You probably won't get an injury to remind you to rely on Jesus, but I encourage you to take this testimony that I have shared with you and keep it as a reminder to trust the Lord Jesus Christ. In closing, remember that every work of God is for Him and His glory and let each one encourage you to rely on Him more and more. Have a great Tuesday, and God bless you!


Jeremiah Yonemura


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