One week ago, during Intersession, we went to Mr. D's church, and we had a mission to accomplish. Let me explain. A guest also came to Mr. D's church to set up an escape room with the scenario taking place shortly before the 2016 election about changing John Podesta's email password because his phone was stolen by Russians on a plane. Why was was this important to Purposeful Acts of Kindness? Well, first of all, I am very strong politically, but I, like everyone else, had to set aside my political views. The differences that we all have in political views have divided the body of Christ, the United States, and the world. Focusing on the church, we need to have one set goal - regardless of our political views. Our goal should be for each of us to have a personal relationship with Him and to stand up against the world's corrupt view and be the light in this dark world. If we would just put away all our minor differences, we would be able to accomplish so much more as a church. A few days ago in church, Pastor M spoke about the unity of the church. One of his points was that we as a church need to be united, bearing each other's burdens. As a church, we need to be there for our brothers in Christ - rejoicing and crying with them. You don't have to literally cry, but we need to care for our Christian brothers. When we have this unity, we can stand together to set a common goal of fighting the devil who deserves our full and total resistance. When we have this type of unity, we have an excellent unity that is not easily broken because a "three-fold cord is not easily broken." (see Ecclesiastes 4:11-12) That same day, during Battalion (think of it as a Christian variant of Boy Scouts), we learned about the engine and how if one part stops working, the whole engine will fail. Likewise, the body of Christ will not work without all of her members working together. As Christians, we must be unified so that we can effectively fight the devil and his demons. Today, I encourage you, if you don't go to church, to start going to church to fellowship with other believers (see Hebrews 10:25) so that we as a church can be unified to take a stand against the devil. I also encourage you to set aside your differences so that we can all focus on goal of being the light in the world, but remember, your differences are not bad, and they make you you. However, do not let them get in the way of fulfilling your calling in God's big plan. Enjoy your day!