Today is Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day. What does that mean? That means that if you wear bifocals, today is the day for you! If not, you can have compassion for and pray for those who do wear bifocals.
What are bifocals, they are basically a dual-lens. To clarify, there is one main lens with a certain prescription, but it is cut out and the missing piece is replaced with a stronger lens used for the magnification of objects and text (see image below) - not scratches one lens. According to the link above, wearing bifocals while using a computer can cause weariness and headaches due to stress of eyes. Is this true? It probably depends on who you ask.
For me, I do experience headaches from long hours on the computer, but is this from bifocals? I think not. My theory is that the aching is due to muscle tension of focused eyes on the computer screen for an extended period of time which is not good for you anyway. I also don't have to decide whether I am going to use the larger lense or the lower lense because I am far enough away from the monitor that I can use the normal lense, but maybe I have unconsciously been doing it along with looking through the lens, and that is exerting more stress on my eyes. If the text is tiny, I might move my head closer, therefore needing to use the bifocal lense requiring my eyes to focus even more. So there could be some truth to the theories of the article from my experience.
So how do you celebrate Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day? If you wear bifocals, and you deal with aches in your eyes, the article says that you might want to consider wearing trifocals, progressive lenses, or eye surgery, but I say to only do that if you need to and consult your eye doctor first. As far as I go, I have noticed a decrease in my vision in the last few years, and I need to get my eyes checked, and that could be another reason why my eyes are sore, and I need to zoom in on my computer to see the text without straining my eyes. Progressive lenses might help me, but I would have to talk to the eye doctor.
If you don't have bifocal lenses, pray for those who have bifocals and have compassion on them. Help your friend(s) out if you can by reading text on his monitor for him. You can also show him how to make certain features of the computer larger. For example, the cursor on my MacBook Air is as big as can be because it is easier to see. Also, I recently changed my text in Google Chrome to very large so that I do not have to zoom in as much.
Today, I encourage you to thank the Lord for the eyesight He has given you, and if you have problems with your eyesight, also ask God to help to do the things you need to do. Also, if you have excellent eyesight, ask God, if it is in His will, to heal those who need glasses or to help them get through life using their eyes to the best of their abilities for the glory of the Lord.
Enjoy your Friday!
Jeremiah Yonemura