I Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all of the saints.
This week's theme is unity and assurance. God created the world perfectly. In Genesis 1, God called it all good. In Psalm 139, David declares that God knows each and every one of us before we were ever born. In the beginning, God created an earth of harmony.
If the Lord created a perfect world, why would he create confusion? Where is there room for it? There isn't. There should be no confusion in any aspect of our lives.
You might be thinking, "Jeremiah, I am confused about the calling for my life. I am confused about my sex and sexuality. Everyone I meet in church I fight with. I am confused about why God put me in this church. I can't understand what I am reading in my Word."
Well, what does the Bible say? God did not create confusion. How does it exist then? After the devil fell from heaven, he perverted the Word of God to bring misunderstanding within the world.
First let's go over what the Bible says about the calling for your life. The Bible makes it quite clear that the Lord designed you with a purpose. How do you find it out? You go to the He Who created you. Ask God what He wants you to do with your life. If He doesn't answer right away, do not be confused. Keep on asking God. He promises in Matthew 7, "Ask, and shall be given you."
If you are confused about your sex or sexuality, remember that God created you perfectly. Look up Psalm 139. He knew you before you were born. God created you just the way you are. God created all people to be heterosexuals. God has never brought a homosexual couple together, and it is seen as evil in His sight.
If you argue with everyone you meet, remember that we are called to be peacemakers. God is not the author of confusion, but He is the author of peace. As Christians, we need to make peace with people. If tension stirs up, talk about it with whom you have the issue. In the midst of the situation, it may seem difficult. So pray for peace, and God will help you. Afterall, it is one of the fruit of the Spirit. In the context of our verse, Paul was telling the people of the church to be united and not divided over silly arguments. We the church must be one body. We must have unity among ourselves.
If you cannot understand what you are reading, pray about the text. Ask God what it means. In reality, the ultimate author of the Bible is God. Ask the writer what it means. The devil will try to confuse you, but intsead, rebuke him and make him flee.
Of course, I could not include every instance of confusion, but when the devil tries to confuse and divide you and the church, pray to God and declare victory over the devil because he is a liar. Ask Him bring understanding, unity, and peace within you and the church.
This week, I encourage you to believe in Jesus, ask Him to wipe all confusion from you by bringing unity and understanding. Let these words be my final statement: "God did not created you any different than what you should be, and the devil will try to confuse you by making you think otherwise, but resist the devil by praying for peace, understanding, and unity."
Have a blessed week!
Jeremiah Yonemura