
Sep 9, 20182 min

The Importance of Testimonies

I’m going to be dead honest and say that I’m embarrassed to even mention any testimony of my own, no matter how vague I tell it. But you have in your previous blogs! Why would you do it if it makes you uncomfortable? My answer to that is that at the end of the day, I care more about writing something to which someone could relate or by which be helped. I don’t share my personal experiences because I want to show off or act like I’ve been through hell and back or anything near that; I honestly just want people to know that God is reliable and will never forsake them.

If I can get over my insecurities, I can be living proof that God loves you more than anything. That’s why I share bits of my own brokenness with whomever stumbles upon my posts; hopefully, you’ll be able to see how much God has cared for little ol’ me, and trust Him with all your pain and troubles. Revelation 12:11 (ESV), pretty much sums up my point: “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” The ‘him’ refers to the devil. Not only did Jesus’ blood save our souls from darkness and sin, but our testimonies of His work in our lives can help others overcome the devil’s traps too! Doesn’t that sound amazing? Sharing what God has done for you with a friend or even a stranger going through a rough time can actually open a door for God to work in his life.

I don’t know about you, but being a part in God’s plan to save a soul simply by sharing my story seems worth it. So yeah, I’m insecure; who isn’t? However, by letting God strengthen and encourage us to share the words of our testimonies to others, we can change lives. Truly!

One last note, a common response I’ve heard is “but I don’t really have a testimony” or “my testimony isn’t super big or important.” Okay, first of all, if you’re saved, you’ve got a testimony. Jesus’ blood saved you from sin’s bloodthirsty jaws of death! Second, you don’t have to have experienced crazy miracles to have a ‘good’ testimony. Just look back on your time with Jesus — even before that. I’m confident that God will be able to highlight at least one instance in which He provided for you somehow.

That’s all I have for this post. Thank you for reading, and I really do hope that my posts can simply encourage others. If God can work through something I write, then I’m willing to share it for that single reason. I’d encourage you — maybe even challenge you — to allow God to walk with you and point out people with whom you could share your testimony.

Taking it one day at a time,


#testimonies #Scripture #encouragement
